The DynamiCoach Approach is all about having I.M.P.A.C.T.
I Contact
Pacing / Pausing
Tell Stories
“The eyes are the windows to your soul.”
– William Shakespeare

In the DynamiCoach Program, you’ll:
- “Test your skills” at facial recognition through a fun group exercise
- Get real-time feedback about this important aspect of communication
- Discover tips & tricks on how to integrate eye contact with body movement
- Learn the optimal amount of time to maintain eye contact with individual members of a group audience
The key to being a dynamic speaker is movement — of all different types. Even the dictionary definition of the word “dynamic” refers to motion!

Here’s a rhyme to guide you on various kinds of “movement” to communicate more effectively.
Move your hands,
Move your face,
Move your body
Through your space.
Move your voice
Throughout its range;
Just don’t make it
Sound too strange!
In the DynamiCoach Program, you’ll learn:
- When & how to move your hands, and various types of gestures
- How to “move your voice” and master the many elements of “vocal variety”
- Techniques for combining movement with eye contact to maintain engagement with your audience

Just as tempo affects the “mood” of music, your speed and pacing should be tailored to your content.
For simple, straightforward subjects, you can speak a bit more quickly. But if something is serious, or more complicated, SLOOOW DOWN.
And don’t overlook the power … of pausing.
A well-timed pause can be extremely effective in two ways.
Pausing can create a sense of anticipation for what you’ll say next. A skillful pause can help maintain — or regain — attention. Pausing also gives your audience a moment to reflect on what you just said.

In the DynamiCoach Program, you’ll learn:
- How pausing helps you avoid “killer fillers”
- Why pausing and taking a breath can counteract the fear of public speaking
- The neuroscience of how the brain processes sound — and how to use that to your advantage
“Just be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
– Source unknown (often misattributed to Oscar Wilde)
Watch what other speakers do
And figure out what works for you.
Just make it your own;
Don’t be a clone.

Over time, you’ll develop a special, differentiated way of communicating: a recognizable style that’s all your own, as unique as your fingerprint, or the pattern in the iris of your eye.

“The antidote to the fear of public speaking is confidence. You won’t be afraid to do something if you’re confident you do it well.”
– DynamiCoach Founder Tom Cobin
Here’s a summary of my simple, step-by-step plan to gain confidence — and conquer the fear of public speaking. You’ll learn more about each of these steps by taking my Workshop, or by joining my coaching program.
Research your subject • Reference your sources • Review your presentation • Revise as appropriate • Rehearse what you’ll say AND how you’ll say it • Record yourself • Replay your recording to see & hear how you look & sound • Relax: YOU GOT THIS! • Recognize your progress / Realize you’re Ready • Reflect on each performance • Remember your accomplishments• Remind yourself how well you’ve done in the past!
“Those who tell the stories rule the world.”
– Hopi American Indian proverb
All cultures use storytelling to teach lessons and reveal eternal truths. One of the most effective ways to speak your “truth” to any audience is by telling stories that captivate their attention, and convey meaningful messages that bring value.

MRI scans even demonstrate how storytelling literally “synchronizes” the brain wave patterns of the speaker and the listener in real time, a process called “neural coupling.”
In the DynamiCoach Program, we’ll:
- Tighten and punch-up your stories to maximize IMPACT
- Evaluate options from among the stories you potentially could tell
- Practice delivery techniques to “bring your story to life” in front of an audience
- Review the neuroscience of why storytelling “connects” you with your audience